How To Clean Leather Gloves? (In Just 6 Minutes!)

Leather gloves are a stylish accessory that not only keeps your hands warm but also adds a touch of sophistication to any outfit.

But just like any other leather item, they need proper care and maintenance to keep them looking their best. Regular cleaning enhances the appearance of your gloves and extends their life. 

If you want to keep your leather gloves looking new, follow these simple steps to clean them.

This guide will teach you how to clean and care for your leather gloves, keeping them soft, supple, and ready for your next outfit. 

Get ready to say goodbye to dirt, grime, and dullness and hello to a fresh, clean pair of leather gloves!

To clean leather gloves, use a soft cloth to gently rub a mixture of mild soap and water into the gloves, then rinse with a damp cloth and let air dry. Avoid using harsh chemicals and soaking the gloves, as this can damage the leather. Condition the leather with a leather conditioner to keep it soft and supple.

Can you clean leather gloves? 

Yes, you can clean leather gloves using a mixture of mild soap and water and a soft cloth to gently rub them into the gloves, then rinse with a damp cloth and let air dry.

Avoid using harsh chemicals and soaking the gloves, as this can damage the leather. Conditioning the leather after cleaning is also recommended to keep it soft and supple.

How To Clean Leather Gloves: A Step-by-Step Guide

Leather gloves can be a stylish and practical accessory, but they require proper care to maintain their appearance and quality.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to clean your leather gloves, ensuring they look and feel great.

1. Choose the Shelf Cleaning Product or Create Your Own.

You can use a leather cleaning product purchased from a store or create your solution with mild soap and water when cleaning leather gloves.

It is important to test the chosen cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the gloves first to ensure it won’t damage the leather.

2. Test the Cleaning Solution in a Small Area First.

Before cleaning your leather gloves, it’s crucial to test the chosen cleaning solution on a small, hidden area of the gloves to make sure it won’t damage the leather.

This step is important to avoid any potential harm to the gloves and maintain their appearance.

3. Apply Cleaning Solution Evenly to the Surface Area to Be Cleaned.

To apply the cleaning solution evenly to the surface area of the gloves that need to be cleaned, use a soft cloth and gently rub the solution into the leather.

Make sure to cover the entire area that needs cleaning and avoid over-saturating the leather with the solution.

4. Gently Wipe Off the Cleaning Solution.

After applying the cleaning solution, gently wipe it off with a damp cloth. Be careful not to soak the gloves, as this can cause damage to the leather.

Wipe off the solution until the surface area of the gloves is clean and free of any dirt or grime.

5. Dry Glove Naturally and Reinforce Shape.

Allow the leather gloves to air dry naturally after cleaning.

Reinforce their shape by stuffing them with paper or cloth while they dry, and this will help them maintain their original shape and prevent any wrinkling or sagging.

Avoid exposing the gloves to direct heat or sunlight during the drying process, as this can cause damage to the leather.

6. Sprinkle Baking Soda Into Glove Interior.

Sprinkling baking soda into the interior of the leather gloves can help absorb any odours that may be present.

Sprinkle great baking soda into each glove and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, shake out the excess baking soda before moving on to the next step of cleaning the interior of the gloves.

7. Spray the Interior of the Glove With a Cleaning Solution.

To clean the interior of the leather gloves, you can spray a cleaning solution, such as a mixture of mild soap and water.

Be sure to evenly spray the solution into the gloves, ensuring all interior parts are covered. This will help remove any dirt or odour present in the gloves.

8. Dry the Glove Interior.

Once the interior of the gloves has been sprayed with the cleaning solution, allow them to air dry. This can be done by stuffing them with paper or cloth and leaving them to dry naturally.

Avoid using direct heat or sunlight to speed up the drying process, as this can damage the leather. Please make sure the gloves are completely dry before wearing them again.

9. Condition the Glove Exterior.

After cleaning the leather gloves, it’s important to condition the exterior to keep the leather supple and prevent it from drying out and cracking.

Choose a leather conditioner specifically designed for gloves and apply a small amount evenly to the surface of the leather.

Rub it gently with a soft cloth and let it absorb for a few minutes before wiping off any excess. This will help keep the gloves looking great for years to come.

Following these steps, your leather gloves will be cleaned, refreshed, and ready to wear again. Always handle leather gloves with care and avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the leather.

Benefits of Cleaning Leather Gloves:

Easy to Clean:

Cleaning leather gloves is a relatively easy process. Wiping them down with a damp cloth or using a leather cleaner can help remove dirt and grime from the surface. This process can also help keep the gloves looking their best.

Additionally, some leather gloves are designed to be machine washable, making them even easier to clean.

Preserves the Quality:

Regular cleaning of leather gloves helps to preserve their quality over time. Cleaning helps to remove any dirt or oils that could potentially damage the material.

Additionally, it helps to prevent the buildup of bacteria and germs, which can lead to unpleasant smells. Keeping gloves clean helps to keep them looking and feeling like new.

Prolongs the Life:

Regularly cleaning leather gloves can also help to prolong their life. Removing any dirt or oils from the surface helps to prevent cracking or fading, which can occur when left uncleaned for an extended period of time.

Additionally, cleaning the gloves regularly can help to prevent any damage from occurring due to everyday wear and tear.


Can you wash real leather gloves?

Yes, you can wash real leather gloves, but it’s important to use a mild cleaning solution and avoid using too much water, as this can damage the leather. It’s best to clean leather gloves by wiping them down with a damp cloth and mild soap and water solution.

Can you put leather gloves in the washing machine?

No, it’s not recommended to put leather gloves in a washing machine as the agitation and water can cause damage to the leather. It’s best to clean leather gloves by wiping them down with a damp cloth and a mild soap and water solution.

What is the best way to clean leather work gloves?

The best way to clean leather work gloves is to mix mild soap with water, apply the solution evenly to the surface of the gloves, and gently wipe it off with a damp cloth. Avoid over-saturating the leather and allow the gloves to air dry naturally.

What is the appropriate way to clean gloves?

The appropriate way to clean gloves depends on the material the gloves are made of. For leather gloves, use a mild soap and water solution, wipe down the surface evenly, and allow to air dry. For cloth gloves, machine wash on a gentle cycle and air dry. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for specific care instructions.


In conclusion, cleaning leather gloves is important in maintaining their appearance and longevity.

It’s important to choose a cleaning solution appropriate for the leather type and test it on a small area first.

When cleaning the exterior, condition the leather to prevent drying and to crack. 

For the interior, sprinkle baking soda to absorb odours and spray with a mild soap and water solution.

Avoid exposing the gloves to direct heat or sunlight during the drying process; always allow them to air dry naturally.

By following these steps, your leather gloves will look great and last many years.

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