How To Get Wrinkles Out Of Leather Purses & Bags? (Easily!)

Leather purses are a timeless fashion accessory that can elevate any outfit. However, with regular use, leather can develop wrinkles and creases, making the purse look old and worn out.

Getting wrinkles out of leather purses can be daunting, as leather is a delicate material that requires careful handling.

But with the right tools and techniques, you can restore your leather purse to its original smooth and polished look.

In this article, we’ll explore some effective methods for getting wrinkles out of leather purses and discuss some helpful tips to keep your leather purse looking its best.

To get wrinkles out of leather purses and bags, use a hairdryer on low heat, a damp cloth, or a leather conditioner. Store your bag properly and avoid overstuffing to prevent wrinkles.

Can you Get Wrinkles Out Of Leather Purses & Bags

Yes, you can get wrinkles out of leather purses and bags. Methods include using a hairdryer, a damp cloth, or a leather conditioner. Prevention methods include storing the bag properly and avoiding overstuffing.

Getting Wrinkles Out Of Leather Purses

Getting wrinkles out of leather purses is a common concern for people who value their leather goods.

The best way to remove wrinkles from leather purses is by hanging them in a closet or using an iron, a hair dryer, or a heat gun. Let us delve into the details of how these methods work.

Hanging Your Leather Purse

The hanging method removes wrinkles from leather purses and bags without applying heat or moisture.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the hanging method to remove wrinkles from your leather purse or bag:

  1. Fill your purse or bag with tissue paper to help it retain its shape while hanging.
  2. Choose a sturdy, wide hanger that can support the weight of the purse or bag without stretching the leather.
  3. Hang the purse or bag from the hanger by its straps or handles, ensuring the weight is evenly distributed.
  4. Leave the purse or bag to hang for at least 24 hours or until the wrinkles have disappeared.
  5. Check on the purse or bag periodically to ensure it is hanging straight and that the tissue paper is still in place.

By following these steps, you can effectively remove wrinkles from your leather purse or bag using the hanging method.

Always carefully handle your leather purse or bag to prevent damage or further wrinkles.

Ironing Your Leather Purse

Using an iron to remove wrinkles from leather purses and bags can be risky and should only be attempted as a last resort.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use an iron to remove wrinkles from your leather purse or bag:

  1. Set your iron to the lowest heat and turn off the steam function.
  2. Cover the leather surface with a thin, clean cloth such as a cotton handkerchief.
  3. Press the iron onto the cloth, moving it back and forth in a smooth, continuous motion.
  4. Check the leather frequently for any signs of damage or discolouration.
  5. Remove the cloth and check the leather for wrinkles. If necessary, repeat the process until the wrinkles are gone.

Remember, using an iron to remove wrinkles from leather purses and bags can be risky, as high heat can damage or even melt the leather.

It’s always best to use gentler methods, such as the hanging method or a leather conditioner, before using an iron.

Hair Dryer

A hairdryer is a gentle and effective way to remove wrinkles from leather purses and bags without high heat or moisture.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use a hair dryer to remove wrinkles from your leather purse or bag:

  1. Set your hair dryer to the lowest heat setting and turn off the cool air function.
  2. Hold the hair dryer at least 6 inches away from the leather surface.
  3. Use a circular motion to direct the warm air over the wrinkled area.
  4. As you’re directing the warm air, use your free hand to smooth out the wrinkles in the leather gently.
  5. Check the leather frequently for any signs of damage or discolouration.
  6. Once the wrinkles have disappeared, use a leather conditioner to restore moisture to the leather.

Following these steps, you can use a hair dryer to remove wrinkles from your leather purse or bag effectively. Always carefully handle your leather purse or bag to prevent damage or further wrinkles.

Using A Heat Gun

Using a heat gun to remove wrinkles from leather purses and bags is a more advanced technique that requires caution and precision.

Here’s a unique step-by-step guide on how to use a heat gun to remove wrinkles from your leather purse or bag:

  1. Choose a high-quality heat gun with a low to medium heat setting.
  2. Apply a small amount of leather conditioner to the wrinkled area and gently massage it into the leather. This will help to protect the leather from heat.
  3. Hold the heat gun at least 6 inches away from the wrinkled area and use a circular motion to direct the heat over the leather.
  4. Keep the heat gun moving to avoid overheating any one spot, which can cause damage or discolouration.
  5. Use a soft-bristled brush to gently smooth out the wrinkles as you direct the heat over the leather.
  6. Once the wrinkles have disappeared, use a clean, dry cloth to remove any excess conditioner from the leather.

Remember, using a heat gun to remove wrinkles from leather purses and bags should only be attempted by those with experience and caution.

Always protect the leather from damage, and use gentle, circular motions to avoid overheating any area.

How To Avoid Wrinkles & Creases From Forming On Leather Purses

Preventing wrinkles and creases from forming on your leather purse is the best way to keep it looking new and well-maintained.

Here are some tips to help you avoid wrinkles and creases from forming on your leather purse:

  1. Store your leather purse in a cool, dry place where it won’t be exposed to direct sunlight or heat.
  2. Avoid overstuffing your purse with too many items, as this can cause it to become distorted and wrinkled.
  3. Use a purse organizer or compartmentalize your purse to keep items in their proper place and prevent them from shifting around.
  4. Avoid hanging your purse for extended periods, as this can cause the straps to stretch and the leather to become misshapen.
  5. Clean and condition your leather purse regularly to keep it soft and supple, which can help prevent wrinkles and creases from forming.

Following these tips can help prevent wrinkles and creases from forming on your leather purse, ensuring that it stays beautiful and well-maintained for years to come.


How do you get the wrinkles out of a leather purse?

You can use the hanging method, a hair dryer or a low-heat iron with a cloth to get wrinkles out of a leather purse.

Can wrinkled leather be fixed?

Yes, wrinkled leather can be fixed using various methods, such as the hanging method, a hair dryer, or a low-heat iron with a cloth.

How do you get wrinkles out of leather fast?

The fastest way to remove wrinkles from leather is using a hair dryer on the lowest heat setting, combined with gentle smoothing.

How do you get wrinkles out of leather without a steamer?

You can use a hair dryer, iron on the lowest heat setting with a cloth, or use the hanging method to remove wrinkles from leather without a steamer.


In conclusion, getting wrinkles out of leather purses is a straightforward process that can be done using various methods, depending on the tools available and personal preference.

Whether using the hanging method, a hair dryer, or a low-heat iron with a cloth, the key is to be gentle and patient.

Additionally, taking steps to prevent wrinkles from forming in the first place, such as proper storage and organization, can go a long way in maintaining the longevity and beauty of your leather purse.

With a little care and attention, getting wrinkles out of leather purses is an easy task that can keep your favourite accessory looking as good as new.

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