How To Remove Odor From Leather Sandals? (5 Simple Steps!)

Leather sandals are comfortable and stylish for any casual occasion but can develop an unpleasant odor over time.

This odor is caused by the accumulation of sweat, bacteria, and other environmental factors.

The odor can be frustrating, embarrassing, and difficult to remove using traditional cleaning methods. 

However, with a few simple steps and the right techniques, you can learn how to remove odor from leather sandals and keep them smelling fresh and clean.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on removing odor from leather sandals, and we will share some useful tips and tricks to help you maintain your leather sandals in good condition.

Use baking soda, vinegar, or a specialized leather cleaner to remove odor from leather sandals.

Can you Remove Odor From Leather Sandals?

Yes, it is possible to remove odor from leather sandals using simple and effective methods such as baking soda, vinegar, or a specialized leather cleaner.

These methods can help eliminate the source of the odor and keep your sandals smelling fresh and clean.

How to Remove Odor from Leather Sandals

Leather sandals are a popular choice of footwear for both men and women. They are comfortable, stylish, and durable.

However, leather sandals, like all footwear, can develop a foul odor over time.

The smell may come from various sources, such as sweat, moisture, or bacteria that build up inside the sandals. 

Fortunately, there are several methods that you can use to remove odor from leather sandals.

In this article, we will share some effective tips and tricks to help you eliminate the stench and keep your leather sandals smelling fresh.

Identify the Source of the Odor 

Before you can effectively remove the odor from your leather sandals, you need to determine the source of the smell.

It may be caused by sweat, moisture, or accumulated bacteria in the sandals. 

If the odor is caused by sweat, washing your feet more frequently may be necessary, or using an antiperspirant to reduce sweating may be necessary. 

If the odor is caused by moisture, it may be necessary to dry the sandals thoroughly before wearing them again.

If bacteria cause the odor, you may need to disinfect the sandals to kill the bacteria.

Use Baking Soda 

Baking soda is an effective and affordable solution to remove odor from leather sandals. Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to use baking soda:

  1. Clean the sandals: Use a soft cloth to remove any dirt or debris from the surface of the sandals.
  2. Sprinkle baking soda: Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda onto the sandals, covering all areas affected by the odor.
  3. Let it sit: Leave the baking soda on the sandals for at least a few hours or overnight for best results. This will allow the baking soda to absorb the odor and neutralize it.
  4. Shake off the baking soda: After the baking soda has had enough time to work, shake off the excess powder from the sandals.
  5. Wipe the sandals: Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe away any remaining baking soda and leave the sandals to dry completely.

Use Charcoal 

Charcoal is another natural deodorizer that can remove odor from leather sandals. It works by absorbing moisture and neutralizing odors.

  1. Get charcoal: Purchase activated charcoal or charcoal sachets from a local store or online.
  2. Place the charcoal: Insert the charcoal sachet or bag into your leather sandals. If you use activated charcoal, wrap it in a cloth or porous material and insert it into the sandals.
  3. Let it sit: Leave the charcoal in the sandals for at least 24 hours or longer for the best results. The charcoal will absorb the odor and neutralize it.
  4. Remove the charcoal: Remove the charcoal from the sandals once the odor has been absorbed.
  5. Clean the sandals: Use a soft cloth to wipe the inside and outside of the sandals to remove any charcoal residue. 

Use Vinegar 

To use vinegar, 

Dilute the vinegar: Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a bowl.

Soak the sandals: Dip a clean cloth in the vinegar solution and wring it out. Use the cloth to wipe the inside and outside of the sandals, making sure to cover all the areas affected by the odor.

Let it sit: Leave the sandals to air dry completely. The vinegar will neutralize the odor as it dries.

Condition the sandals: Once the sandals are dry, apply a small amount of leather conditioner to prevent the vinegar from drying out the leather.

Use Tea Tree Oil 

Tea tree oil is a natural antifungal and antibacterial agent that can kill bacteria and remove odor from leather sandals. To use tea tree oil, 

  1. Dilute tea tree oil: Mix a few drops with water or carrier oil like olive or coconut oil.
  2. Apply the mixture: Dip a soft cloth and wring it out. Rub the inside of the sandals with the cloth, making sure to cover all the affected areas.
  3. Let it sit: Leave the mixture on the sandals for 30 minutes or longer for the best results. This will allow the tea tree oil to kill any bacteria or fungi causing the odor.
  4. Wipe off the mixture: Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe off the mixture from the sandals.
  5. Dry the sandals: Leave the sandals to dry completely, either in the sun or in a well-ventilated area.


What Causes Odor in Leather Sandals? 

Leather sandals are a stylish and comfortable footwear option, but they can develop an unpleasant odor over time. Various factors, such as sweat, dirt, and bacteria, can cause this. When your feet sweat, moisture can get trapped inside your shoes, and the warm, dark environment is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. As bacteria grow and multiply, they can produce a foul odor that can be difficult to eliminate.

Why did You need to Remove Odor from Leather Sandals?

A bad odor can be unpleasant for you and those around you, but it can also be a sign of poor hygiene. A persistent smell can indicate that your shoes are not properly cleaned and cared for, leading to foot infections and other health problems. In addition, if left untreated, the odor can become more difficult to remove over time, making it harder to salvage your favorite pair of leather sandals.

Can leather sandals be washed?

Leather sandals should not be washed in a washing machine or soaked in water as they can damage the leather.


Leather sandals are essential to any summer wardrobe, but they can quickly develop an unpleasant odor due to sweat and bacteria.

Fortunately, there are several natural and effective ways to remove odor from leather sandals, including baking soda, charcoal, and tea tree oil. 

Following the step-by-step guides, you can easily and affordably eliminate odor and keep your leather sandals smelling fresh and clean.

Whether you prefer baking soda, charcoal, or tea tree oil, these natural solutions will not only remove the odor but also help keep your leather sandals in excellent condition for years to come.

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