How to Repair Cat Scratches on Leather? (8 Impressive Steps!)

If you own a cat, you know how much they love to scratch. Unfortunately, this behaviour can result in unsightly scratches on your leather furniture. Fortunately, it is possible to repair these scratches and make your furniture look as good as new. 

In this article, you will learn how to repair cat scratches on leather effectively and inexpensively.

Whether you have a small scratch or a large tear, with the right tools and techniques, you can restore the look and feel of your leather furniture and keep it looking great for years to come.

To repair cat scratches on leather, clean the affected area with a soft cloth and leather cleaner, then use a leather repair kit or colour touch-up solution to fill in the scratch.

If the scratch is deep, consider using a leather filler, which can be smoothed and sanded, before applying a leather dye to match the original colour. Finish by applying a leather conditioner to protect the surface and keep it soft.

Can you repair cat scratches on the leather?

Yes, cat scratches on the leather can be repaired using a leather repair kit, colour touch-up solution, filler, dye, and conditioner. Clean the affected area first, fill in the scratch, blend the colour, and finish by conditioning the leather.

How To Repair Cat Scratches On Leather

A comprehensive guide to repairing cat-scratched leather couches has been created. The steps to restore your couch are outlined below for convenience:

A concise summary of the steps to repair your cat-scratched leather couch is provided below.

1. Trim Loose Fabric:

Trim any loose fabric that may be around the scratched area of your leather furniture to prevent it from getting caught in the repair process.

This will ensure a clean and smooth surface for the repair. Use sharp scissors or a utility knife to carefully cut away any loose fabric and make the surface of the leather even.

2. Clean Area of Treatment:

Before starting the repair process, cleaning the area of treatment on the leather is essential.

This will remove any dirt, oils, or other debris that could interfere with the repair. Use a soft cloth and a gentle leather cleaner to clean the affected area.

Be sure to test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of the leather first to ensure it won’t cause any damage. After cleaning, let the area dry completely before proceeding to the next step.

3. Apply Leather Binder (Optional):

Applying a leather binder (optional) is a step that may be necessary to stabilize the leather before filling the scratch.

A leather binder is a type of adhesive that helps to bond the leather fibres together, making the surface stronger and more stable.

To apply the binder, brush, or sponge, evenly spread it over the affected area. Be sure to follow the instructions on the product to ensure the best results.

Allow the binder to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

4. Smoothen Out Surface Area of Treatment:

After cleaning and possibly applying a leather binder, the next step is to smoothen out the surface area of the treatment.

This helps to ensure that the leather filler will spread evenly and adhere properly. Use a plastic scraper or putty knife to smooth out the surface of the affected area.

Be gentle and work slowly to avoid damaging the leather. Once the surface is smooth, you can proceed to the next step.

5. Apply Leather Filler:

The next step in repairing cat scratches on leather is to apply leather filler to the affected area.

Leather filler is a product that is used to fill in scratches and cracks on leather surfaces. To apply the filler, use a putty knife to spread it evenly over the scratch, filling it.

Be sure to work the filler into any cracks or crevices, making sure it’s completely covering the scratch. Allow the filler to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

6. Apply Leather Dye:

Once the leather filler has dried, the next step is to apply leather dye to match the colour of the surrounding leather.

This will help to conceal the scratch and restore the look of the furniture. Choose a leather dye that matches the colour of your furniture as closely as possible.

Use a brush or sponge to apply the dye over the affected area evenly, blending it in with the surrounding leather.

Be sure to follow the instructions on the product carefully, and allow the dye to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

7. Apply Leather Conditioner:

The final step in repairing cat scratches on leather is applying a leather conditioner to restore the natural oils and nutrients.

Leather conditioner helps to protect the leather from drying out and cracking and also helps to keep it soft and supple.

To apply the conditioner, use a soft cloth to spread it evenly over the affected area. Work it into the leather, making sure it’s fully absorbed.

Be sure to follow the instructions on the product carefully, and avoid over-conditioning the leather. Allow the conditioner to dry completely before using the furniture again.

8. Provide Scratching Alternatives for Your Cat:

In addition to repairing cat scratches on leather, it is important to provide scratching alternatives for your cat.

This will help to discourage your cat from scratching the furniture in the future and will also help to protect your leather from further damage.

Some options for scratching alternatives include scratching posts, boards, or mats made of materials that are appealing to cats, such as sisal or corrugated cardboard. 

Place these alternatives near the areas where your cat likes to scratch, and encourage your cat to use them by offering treats or toys.

By providing your cat with alternatives to scratch, you can help to keep your leather furniture looking its best for years to come.


How do you cover up cat scratches on leather?

Cover up cat scratches on leather by cleaning the affected area, smoothing it out, filling the scratch with leather filler, dying it to match the surrounding leather, and then conditioning it.

Does olive oil fix cat scratches on leather?

Olive oil can be used as a temporary solution to reduce the visibility of cat scratches on leather, but it will not repair the scratch. Over time, the oil may also cause the leather to become brittle and deteriorate. Using a specialized leather repair kit is recommended for the best results.

How do you get pet scratches out of leather?

Remove pet scratches from leather by cleaning the affected area, smoothing it out, filling the scratch with leather filler, dying it to match the surrounding leather, and then conditioning it.

Can scratched leather be repaired?

Yes, scratched leather can be repaired by filling the scratch with leather filler, dying it to match the surrounding leather, and then conditioning it. The process helps to conceal the scratch and restore the look of the leather.


In conclusion, cat scratches on the leather can be repaired and made less noticeable with a few steps.

By cleaning the affected area, smoothing it out, filling the scratch with leather filler, dying it to match the surrounding leather, and then conditioning it, you can restore the look of your leather furniture.

Remember, providing your cat with scratching alternatives can also help protect your leather from further damage.

Whether dealing with minor scratches or more extensive damage, you can bring your leather furniture back to life with the right tools and techniques.

And with proper care and maintenance, you can keep it looking great for years.

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