What Happens When Leather Gets Wet? (REVEALED!)

Leather is a timeless material often used for clothing, shoes, and accessories. It is known for its durability, versatility, and luxurious appearance.

However, what happens when leather gets wet? Many people are under the impression that leather can withstand all types of weather, but this is not necessarily true.

 Exposing leather to water can have disastrous effects on its quality and longevity. From discoloration and shrinkage to cracking and peeling, water can damage leather in ways that may not be easily repairable. 

So, it’s essential to understand the impact of water on leather and take steps to protect it from harm.

Quick Answer; When leather gets wet, it can become stiff and lose shape. Additionally, it can become prone to cracking and weakening if it isn’t properly dried and conditioned. If the leather gets soaked, it may become discolored and permanently damaged.

Can wet leather fix quickly?

It depends on the extent of the damage and the type of leather. If the leather has only become slightly damp, it may dry naturally and return to its original state.

However, it can be more challenging to repair if the leather has become saturated or has been wet for an extended period.

The leather may become stiff, develop wrinkles, or even crack. If this is the case, you may need to take it to a professional leather repair specialist who can assess the damage and determine the best action.

Sometimes, the leather may need to be re-dyed or even replaced. It is essential to take prompt action when the leather becomes wet to minimize the damage and ensure it can be fixed easily.

What Happens When Leather Gets Wet? And How to Fix

Your leather jacket or laptop bag is more than just an accessory, and it’s a symbol of your impeccable style and a valuable investment.

But with unpredictable weather, you never know when you’ll be caught in a downpour.

And as a leather lover, you know well that water can be the enemy of this delicate material. 

But don’t worry; there’s no need to say goodbye to your beloved leather just yet.

With a few simple steps, you can restore your leather to its original glory, even after it’s been exposed to water damage.

Whether it’s your favorite jacket or a must-have laptop bag, you can bring it back to life and keep it looking its best. So, let’s get started and show water who’s boss!

How To Deal With Rain-damaged Leather?

  1. Dry the leather: Remove any excess water immediately and let the leather air dry naturally, away from direct heat sources. Do not use a hair dryer, as the heat can cause the leather to crack.
  2. Condition the leather: Once it is scorched, apply a leather conditioner to help restore its natural oils and prevent it from becoming stiff or cracking.
  3. Stuff the leather: Fill the leather item with a soft material such as tissue paper to help it maintain its shape while it dries.
  4. Store it in a cool, dry place: Avoid exposing the leather to direct sunlight or heat, as this can cause discoloration. Instead, store it in a cool, dry place until it’s scorched.
  5. Repair any cracks: If the leather has developed cracks, you can try repairing it with a leather repair kit or by taking it to a professional leather repair specialist.
  6. Protect it in the future: To prevent water damage, consider using a waterproof spray or storing your leather items in a waterproof bag when not in use.

How Do You Fix Water-damaged Leather?

  1. The first step to fixing water-damaged leather is to assess the damage. If the leather is still wet, use a soft cloth to blot up any excess water.
  2. Let the leather air out by leaving it in a well-ventilated room for a few days. This will allow the leather to dry completely, avoiding unwanted odors or mold growth.
  3. Apply a leather conditioner designed explicitly for water-damaged leather. This will help to replenish any lost oils and keep the leather supple.
  4. To help the leather retain its shape while it dries, gently stuff it with a soft material such as tissue paper or cloth.
  5. If there are any cracks or wrinkles, try using a leather repair kit or take the item to a professional leather repair specialist.
  6. To prevent water damage in the future, invest in a quality waterproofing spray and store your leather items in a waterproof bag or cover when not in use.

How Do You Get The Moisture Out Of Leather?

  1. Remove any excess water: Use a soft cloth to blot up any excess moisture, making sure not to rub the leather as this can cause damage.
  2. Let it air out: Place the leather item in a well-ventilated room and let it air out for several days. This will allow the leather to dry completely and prevent mold growth.
  3. Use a fan or dehumidifier: If possible, use a fan or dehumidifier to speed up the drying process. Avoid exposing the leather to direct heat sources, as this can cause it to crack.
  4. Stuff the leather: Fill the leather item with a soft material such as tissue paper to help it maintain its shape while it dries.
  5. Apply a leather conditioner: Once the leather is dehydrated, apply a leather conditioner to help restore its natural oils and prevent it from becoming stiff or cracking.
  6. Store in a cool, dry place: Avoid exposing the leather to direct sunlight or heat, as this can cause discoloration. Instead, store it in a cool, dry place until it’s scorched.


Is it OK for leather to get wet?

No, it is not recommended for leather to get wet, as it can cause damage such as stiffness, cracking, discoloration, and mold growth. However, it is essential to properly dry and condition the leather to minimize any damage if it does get wet.

How do you fix water-damaged leather?

To fix water-damaged leather, remove excess water, air dry, stuff with soft material, apply a leather conditioner, and store in a cool, dry place. Consider using a waterproof spray for future protection.

Does leather get destroyed in water?

Yes, leather can get damaged when exposed to water, causing stiffness, cracking, discoloration, and mold growth. It is essential to properly dry and condition the leather to minimize any damage and prevent future water damage.


In conclusion, leather is a delicate material that should be protected from water to maintain its beauty and longevity.

While water exposure can cause significant damage, it is possible to repair and revive your leather items with proper care and maintenance. 

Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively remove moisture from your leather, restore its natural oils, and keep it looking its best for years to come.

Remember to take preventive measures such as using a waterproof spray and storing your leather items in a cool, dry place to prevent water damage from happening in the first place. 

With proper care, your leather items will be a treasured part of your wardrobe for years to come.

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